Using these three really easy steps, I was able to get 15,000 followers.
Using these three really easy steps, I was able to get 15,000 followers
How can I get one thousand people to read my writings every day?
If you wish to attract a large number of people online. This is not a difficult task.
This past year was my first. I am 51 years old and have no prior experience. And have been on a roller coaster ride.
The road to success is straightforward but not easy. There is no misrepresentation of quick success that I have. But I can offer you my 3 steps. These are proven to work.
Follow them for a long time, and I guarantee you’ll end up someplace nice.
1. Become a fascinating writer.
It takes time to become good.
But until you giftwrap your thoughts in an engaging manner. You may as well go home. It’s tricky maintaining a reader’s attention. So commit to learning how.
Here’s how you become good. Work on one micro skill each month. Don’t attempt to accomplish everything at once. Learn from the best. Get input from someone you respect. And in 6 months you’ll be an excellent writer.
Here are the first 6 micro-skills you need to learn:
Month 1: Keep it concise
Learn to write short, crisp phrases. Delete the fluff from your writing. This will make you vibrant and intriguing to read.
Month 2: Strong words
Changing one word in a statement may greatly alter its effect.
Don’t keep using the same terms. This provides dull stuff. Swap weak words with strong terms to boost your writing.
Month 3: Beautiful formatting
Make your text visually attractive. Lots of white space. Vary your paragraph size. Break up heavy content using bullet points.
Easy to read gets read.
Month 4: Use outlines
Strong outlines produce appealing writing. Learn to utilize a variety of outlines.
Month 5: Sexy intros
35% of readers quit in your 1st paragraph. Craft a powerful intro to keep people intrigued. Tell a brief tale. Ramp up the issue you’ll solve. Showcase your credibility.
Access all my frameworks here.
Month 6: Storytelling
Stories bring your work to life.
But authors make their tales uninteresting. Learn to find excellent tales and master telling them. This will set you apart from other authors.
Once you have interesting material and can write in a riveting style. You’re just one step away from your goal.
2. Become a useful writer
Your material ought to be worth reading.
Too many authors regurgitate what everyone else is saying. And wonder why no one listens. Brilliant authors are brilliant thinkers. Hone your thinking abilities so you have something to say.
Here are my 3 favorite methods to accomplish this:
Go beyond the obvious
Have you noticed the same realities get recycled?
Boring platitudes are meaningless from overuse. You can stand out by going farther than everyone else. Take a common fact and do something with it:
tackle why individuals don’t practice it
suggest a precise approach on how to achieve it
give solid proof that this fact matters
For example:
Creators are often urged to tell more tales if they want to be excellent communicators.
So there’s no purpose in writing ‘tell more stories.’ No one needs that. Instead, find a means to delve deeper:
Identify why artists don’t tell tales.
reveal studies showing the power of tales
Explain how to come up with fresh tales every week.
Do this and you’ll become a thought leader in your profession.
Say what isn’t being stated.
Most authors draw from the same narrow reservoir of information.
But there’s so much more that could be said. What areas of your issue are others ignoring? Look at the prevalent topics in your niche. Identify what’s missed.
Spot what folks are missing.
Offer actual answers for real challenges.
Readers seek this like a parent begging for 5 minutes of calm.
Consider your reader’s difficulties. And provide something to assist. Don’t speak theory. Share what works. It’s simple to discuss difficulties. But it’s tougher to fix them.
A great technique is to give something that’s worked for you. Write fewer ‘how-tos’ and more 'how-I's. This gives strong evidence. Boosts your authority. And provides you tales to share.
This is my full writing strategy:
learn something
test it out
share what happened
Readers find this intriguing.
3. Become a visible writer
How do you get your writing in front of people?
I’ve seen authors make two faults with this:
Some assume, Build it, and they will come (you presumably already know this doesn’t work).
others start with this step and disregard the 1st two. Hoping for a simple trick to go viral
Initially, focus all your attention on steps 1 & 2 and forget about who reads it. Find something to say. Learn to say it well. Remember this is a lengthy game.
Once you’ve mastered them. It’s time to get eyeballs on your work. Here are a few suggestions that have worked for me:
Write where people are
Don’t start a blog.
You are making it unreasonably hard for yourself. Write where people are. The alternatives are unlimited. Medium, Quora, X, LinkedIn. Pick one platform and discover how it works. For Medium, it implies publications and tags.
Promote on social
Choose one social site to market yourself on.
Post bits of your writing; celebrate your triumphs. Post connections. Work short form will enhance your work and get you more viewers.
Titles and pictures
Your title and picture are crucial in encouraging folks to look at your goods.
Don’t squander good writing with a dull title. Aim to describe an issue and offer the reader something. Look at your stats to see what works.
Get known with comments
The simplest way to identify your perfect reader is in the comments of comparable authors.
Say something fascinating or useful that will catch people’s attention. I devoted 20 minutes/day to perform this. Don’t self-promote. Be helpful.
These 3 steps are all you need to do. Do them consistently. For a long time. Put them where you can see them. To remind you of your course. Resist shortcuts (there aren’t any).
Keep going ahead, and wonderful things will happen.

Adam Pennell
CEO / Co-Founder
Enjoy the little things in life. It's possible that one day you'll look back and realize that they were the significant things. A significant number of persons who fail in life are those who, when they gave up, were unaware of how near they were to achieving their goals.